Reporting absences and late arrivals

Attendance and Punctuality

It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure that a child attends school every possible day they can.

It is also important that pupils arrive at school on time.

The school attendance target is 96.1%.  Children whose attendance falls below 90% will be contacted by our Parental Involvement & Engagement Officer (Mrs Khan) and may be visited by the Education Social Worker.  Certificates and prizes are awarded to pupils who have achieved full attendance and we also reward pupils who have improved their attendance.

If your child is absent from school, please inform us as soon as possible.  Ringing the school is the best way to do this: 01274 639377

Pupils who are absent and whose parents have not contacted the school will receive a text message from our automated texting and attendance service and may also receive a telephone call from our Parental Involvement & Engagement Officer.

Regulations state that a pupil may only be absent for reasons of illness and school must be notified as soon as possible.  All other absence, including medical appointments, holidays and religious observance is authorised at the discretion of the Headteacher.

Requests for leave of absence by parent(s)/carer(s) should be very carefully considered.  We have 13 weeks holiday a year which is more than enough time to travel abroad to visit family and friends or to go on holiday.  We recognise that travel and accommodation costs do increase during school holidays but this is something we expect parent(s)/carer(s) to take into consideration when making travel plans.

Moreover, a school cannot be judged as being a 'good' school (OfSTED) unless it has at least 96% attendance.  Help us to make your child's school a GOOD school by sending your child to school every day.

With the new law concerning children's leave of absence which came into effect on 1st September 2013 it is HIGHLY unlikely that the Headteacher will ever grant leave of absence.  Families who take their children out of school during term time will be fined.

Please speak to our Parental Involvement & Engagement Officer (Mrs Khan) before booking or making any travel plans.