Admissions to Peel Park.
Please note that Bradford City Council Children's Services now deal directly with all school admissions (excpet Catholic schools). If you call our office for information about admissions they will signpost you to Children's Services. If you would like to contact them directly then please call 01274 385568.
Children are admitted into the Reception class once a year in September of the school year in which they become five years old. Please contact Mrs Rushton in our school office for details of how to apply to our school (01274 639377). Please note that places in Nursery and Reception fill up VERY quickly, so early application is advised.
Children are admitted into the Nursery as soon as possible after they become three years old, provided there are vacant places. Children attend the Nursery for a morning. The morning session is from 8.30a.m to 11.30 a.m. If you need any further information, please ring the school and speak to Mrs Rushton or Mrs Gillard.
Should you wish to appeal against a decision you can follow the link detailed below.
The school's Admissions Policies can be downloaded and viewed below. Please note these are the Bradford City Council Admissions Policies for community primary schools in our city.
Admission Arrangements for Children with Special Educational Needs
In line with the Disability Act and the New Code of Practice, no pupil will be refused admission to the school on the basis of his or her special educational need. We will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective and appropriate educational provision.
Students transferring from other schools, including Nursery provision, with an Education Health and Care Plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need, will have named a school in their plan. Contact between the SENDCo at Peel Park Primary School and the SENDCo of the provision from where the child is transferring will be established to ensure that all documentation and information is shared and discussed. Where possible, the SENDCo at Peel Park Primary School will visit the child in his or her current setting and arrange to meet the parents to discuss their child’s needs, ensuring that transition is as smooth and as successful as possible.