
Positive Behaviour Strategy.

The Good to be Green system Our “Good to be Green” system provides an effective way to promote positive behaviour in school. It allows for recognition for pupils who behave appropriately, while keeping track of pupils who find it harder to meet the schools behaviour code. It is a fair and consistent approach and ensures that pupils know the rules and behaviour expected in school regardless of what learning environment they are in and who is teaching them.

The school’s expectations are clearly stated in the Behaviour Policy. This should set out expected standards of behaviour, should be displayed in all classrooms and other, relevant parts of the school and shared with and explained to all pupils. The Governors expect the rules to be consistently applied by all staff and regularly monitored for their effectiveness. 

We have kept the school rules clear and simple for children to remember and follow. They should see the programme as fair because it is consistent, with rewards when pupils follow the rules and a clear set of consequences if pupils do not follow the rules. Each classroom has a Good to be Green wall chart with a space for each child. Every pupil has a green card. There are yellow cards (warning), blue stop and think cards and red cards(consequence) to be used as necessary. The Good to be Green rules are also displayed in each classroom. The aim is to enable pupils to stay on the green card by supporting them in following the school rules.

Our three simple school rules are:

1. Always follow a learning or safety instruction from a known adult in school.

2. Keep your body and objects to yourself.

3. Always speak politely and be respectful to others.


For further information, please click the below link to access our Behaviour Policy page:
Bullying is something that is constant and sustained and happens over the course of time.  It is not a 'one off' event or the fall out between two pupils who usually 'get on'.  
Bullying is when somebody physically hurts you, verbally abuses you or constantly excludes you from a group or the games they play, that’s bullying.

Specific types of bullying include:

  • Racist bullying because of your skin colour
  • Religious bullying because of your beliefs or faith.
  • Sizeist bullying referring to your body size
  • Sexist bullying focusing on you being of the opposite sex
  • Cyberbullying targeting you online, often anonymously
  • Homophobic bullying based on your sexual orientation
  • Bullying because you are different

Bullying can happen to anyone, anywhere.

If you are concerned that your child is being bullied, please contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team on the school phone number or by email (emails can be found on the staff page of the website) They will implement a full investigation and follow our Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy and procedures immediately.
Bullying is not tolerated at Peel Park and any allegations will be taken seriously.
Once we know about it - we act!