Meet our Governing Board

   Who are the Governors at Peel Park?

     Peel Park Governors

       Peel Park Primary School and Nursery

       Governing Board



     Headteacher:  Mrs Andrea Grist

       Chair of Governors: Mrs Julie Ioanna (Co-Opted)

    Vice Chair: Mrs Sarah Bowe (LA Governor)


        Mr Amer Asif (Co-Opted Governor)        

   Mrs Diana Bagrin (Parent Governor & SEND Governor)

Mrs Shyrun Nessa (Staff Governor)

Mrs Annette Patterson (Co-Opted Governor)

      Mrs Nazia Yousef (Parent Governor)





Clerk to the Governing Board: Hannah Day

Any member of the Governing Board can be contacted on their school email address (first or via letter to the school address.

If the contents of the email or letter are confidential then please mark the email or letter as such and only the named recipient will open and view the letter/email.

Governing Board Structure

Our Governing Board is split into two committees, full governing board and finance and human resources. 

The following governors sit on the finance and human resources committee: Haley Easton

All governors sit on the full governing board.