Access to School

We are very lucky to have such a vibrant school building that is light and airy with extensive playgrounds, playing fields and even our own wood/forest for our children to learn in.

However, our lovely school is located at the bottom of a very steep drive/footpath and this means that children and parents/carers have to walk up and down this steep footpath when coming to and from school.  For some families/individuals this can be seen as an inconvenience but we like to look at it positively and think that we are playing our part in helping to keep our community fit, healthy and active!

Please note that we have three (3) pedestrian (on foot/walking) gates.  One at the top of the main school drive (Peel Park Drive), one at the bottom of the school drive/site (Oxford Road) and the other at the top of our school woods/forest (Otley Road).  

Nursery children and parents/carers accessing the site during the school day MUST use the main school gate and pick up at (11.30am).

Parents/carers wanting access to the school site in the middle of the day, e.g. to pick up a poorly child or take their child to an appointment, can have access to the school site in a car ONLY IF THERE IS NOT TOO MUCH TRAFFIC ON THE SCHOOL SITE ALREADY. 

No traffic is allowed down our school drive to drop off or pick up children at the normal times UNLESS they have been granted special permission to do so by the Headteacher.  All people requesting vehicle access to our school drive need to remember that we only have a very limited number of parking spaces and these need to be kept to minimum usage as traffic up and down the school drive at the end and beginning of the school day PUTS CHILDREN'S LIVES IN DANGER.

Parents/carers who have a Blue Badge (Disabled) are automatically allowed to come down the drive as these Blue Badges are issued by a Governmental department.  However, the person who owns the Blue Badge (the person it is issued to) MUST be present in the vehicle.  The Blue Badge is NOT for a vehicle it is for the person driving or in the vehicle.

Parents/carers who regularly collect their child(ren) who feel they have a disability and would benefit from having vehicle access to our school drive can apply in writing to the Headteacher. Parents/carers applying for this should be aware that they will need to submit, in writing, this request and also documentary evidence to back up such a request, such as a supporting letter from a GP and/or specialist consultant. Any request should be put in an envelope with supporting evidence and taken to our Main School Office who will ensure it gets passed on for consideration to the Headteacher.

Requests for vehicle access to the school to parents/carers without a Blue Badge are only granted in very rare and exceptional circumstances and normally only on a temporary basis.

The list of parents/carers who have access to the school grounds is held by our Site Manager and grounds staff, and it is reviewed regularly and at least every 12 months.  Individuals who have been granted access to the school grounds WILL be expected to submit evidence at least every 12 months if they wish to continue to use this facility.

Remember! If you are requesting vehicle access to our school grounds for a long-term/life-long physical condition and you DO NOT have a Blue Badge the chances are you will be denied vehicle access.  The department that issues Blue Badges is, like us, owned and run by the Government (local) so if they say 'yes' and issue a Blue Badge then, as stated, automatic entry is granted.  However, if they refuse a Blue Badge then it is likely we will refuse site access as they have determined the outcome of the request for us.