
Positive relationships are at the heart of all we do at Peel Park Primary School. We have high expectations of behaviour and it is an expectation that staff will be role models for our children. All adults at Peel Park help the children to understand and appreciate positive relationships by providing opportunities to learn about their actions towards others, both positive and negative. We appreciate that relationships can be challenging but through restorative practice we aim to promote positive friendships and a culture of kindness throughout school.
At Peel Park Primary School we know that where there are clear, consistent, positive approaches to behaviour a safe, happy environment can be created where children can work to their full potential. Our Ready, Respectful, Safe approach encourages staff and pupils to model, maintain and encourage high standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same.
Disruption to learning and unkind behaviours will always be addressed at Peel Park and we will work with children to ensure they make good choices – learning from their mistakes. We recognise that some children may need more support than others and we address this through early, targeted interventions and dedicated work on building positive relationships.
At Peel Primary School we have a zero-tolerance approach towards bullying. We aim to do all we can to prevent bullying at our school. We focus on positive relationships - treating others and we wish to be treated. If any incidents of bullying should occur at Peel Park we ensure that we act in a timely manner to investigate, resolve, restore and support our pupils.