Curriculum Intent




We have developed our Science curriculum from the National Curriculum which gives us a good range of topics, vocabulary and science skills. Throughout our Science curriculum we build in opportunities for trips and visitors related to a science topic. We celebrate British Science Week each year with more opportunities for experiments and showcasing our results across school. We often focus on people working within the scientific fields that come from all backgrounds and have often fought against diversity to gain recognition they deserve.


Being able to discuss, share and write about our questions, predictions and results is key to Science. So all lessons will include elements of oracy or class discussion, we’ll use scientific terms, language and vocabulary from an early age and we can see this progress throughout school. Most lessons will have an element of reading or research as we look at other scientists or activities in Science.  Our books will show scientific methods, charts, tables and write ups as we communicate our findings in a variety of ways. We often link in with other schools for activities which develops our communication skills to a wider audience.


We frequently run Science and STEM after school clubs to give more opportunity to our More Able and Talented, as well as offering extra curricular trips. We have made good strong links with both other STEM subjects and Careers week, to show Science as a practical subject with real life applications. We have and continue to make links with both Bradford University and Leeds Trinity University to show our pupils future aspirations and where science can take them in their future careers.