Curriculum Intent



We believe that reading is an essential life skill and are committed to enabling our learners to become lifelong readers. We want our pupils to foster a love of reading and we aim to provide children with a language-rich environment, high-quality texts, and inspiring learning opportunities. These will help all our pupils to: engage with a wide range of different text types; read accurately, fluently and with understanding; be able to read with expression, clarity and confidence; develop a sound knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and most importantly, gain a life-long enjoyment of reading and books.

As well as providing our children with engaging and challenging guided reading lessons throughout their time at Peel Park Primary, we also ensure that reading is incorporated across our curriculum. Class novels and bespoke selections of ‘Recommended Reads’ are carefully chosen to link to each year group’s curriculum and to also reflect diversity and represent our community.

We celebrate our reading achievements weekly in Key Stage assemblies and actively engage in national and local events such as World Book Day, Traveling Book Fairs, visits to local bookshops and author visits. These experiences allow our pupils to not only develop their reading skills, but also develop a true pleasure in reading.