British Values


British Values

Peel Park Primary understands the importance of supporting pupils to develop the skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in, and contribute positively to, life in modern Britain.

We actively promote the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy.
  • The rule of law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

These values are officially taught throughout the curriculum; however, the school recognises the importance of integrating the teaching of these values throughout all aspects of pupils’ educational life, including through:

  • Assemblies.
  • Extra-curricular activities.
  • Wider opportunities, e.g. educational visits and visitors to school.
  • Literature available at the school.
  • The promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) understanding.


Pupils will be taught, in an age-appropriate way, the advantages and disadvantages of democracy, as well as how democracy works in the UK.

Staff will ensure that pupils feel as though their views and opinions matter, and will be given opportunities to talk about their feelings, e.g. through pastoral support, and the RSHE and PSHE curriculums.

Pupils will also have numerous opportunities to have their views about the school and their education heard, including through:

  • Pupil questionnaires.
  • The school council.

Our pupils are encouraged to have an input into what and how they learn to instil an understanding of democracy for their future.

The rule of law

The school has a high regard for the laws that govern and protect the school, the responsibilities that this involves, and the consequences when laws are broken. Pupils will be taught these values and the reasons behind laws that are essential for their wellbeing and safety. The school will organise visits from authorities throughout the academic year in an effort to reinforce the reality and importance of this message. 

Pupils will also be taught to understand the importance of their own behaviour, the impact that their behaviour has on others, and the consequences of their behaviour, through the implementation and enforcement of the school Behaviour Policy.

All pupils will be involved in the creation of school rules to inspire them with this understanding. Pupils will be allowed healthy debate in class on the matter to encourage recognition of the importance of the law.

Individual liberty

A safe and supportive environment will be fostered throughout the school, where pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, e.g. regarding their extra-curricular opportunities. Pupils will always have the freedom to base their choices on their interests.

Pupils will be taught about their rights, personal freedoms and personal autonomy, and are encouraged and advised on how to exercise these safely, for instance through teaching on online safety, RSHE and PSHE.

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

The school will ensure that respect for all individuals, regardless of their protected characteristics and/or backgrounds, is promoted throughout the school. Pupils will be taught about the importance of diversity in British society, and will learn about different cultures, beliefs and backgrounds throughout the curriculum and extra-curricular activities.

Staff members will ensure that they always treat everyone, with respect, and will ensure that pupils learn to treat each other and all members of staff with respect as well.

The school acknowledges that tolerance is achieved through pupils’ knowledge and understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and the opportunity for pupils to experience such diversity.

Throughout the year, assemblies will be held focussing on bullying, with reference to prejudice-based bullying, and discussion with pupils will be encouraged.

The school will encourage pupils of all faiths and religions to share their knowledge and experiences with their peers, as freely as they feel comfortable to, to enhance their learning.

Learning about British Valves at Peel Park 
Learning about Protected Characteristics at Peel Park