Curriculum Intent



Our pupils at Peel Park Primary School are living in the ‘youngest city in Europe,’ where almost 25% of residents are currently under the age of 16. Our PHSCE / RSE curriculum is designed to prepare our pupils for life in school, life in our wonderful, diverse city and life in the wider world. Our bespoke curriculum encourages children to be deep thinking, ambitious, confident and safe members of society with a positive outlook on life and the future ahead. In PHSCE we ensure that we address issues relevant to our school community and the city we live in; from poverty crime and anti-social behaviour to working with outside agencies to develop plans to improve our City Centre. At Peel Park Primary School we promote a culture of kindness throughout our school encouraging positive, safe friendships. Our children learn how to respect and value differences – celebrating the fact that we are all unique. Our PHSCE journeys are evidenced in class scrapbooks. These scrapbooks are a reflection of our diverse, bespoke curriculum offering a wealth of opportunities and experiences for all our pupils. We use the Story Project throughout school as a basis for our PHSCE /RSE lessons. This provides an exciting, engaging, age appropriate curriculum based around stories and books. In each year group we ensure that we have a bespoke contextual unit to address issues relevant to our school and community.


Links with the wider community / external agencies

At Peel Park Primary School we work closely with many external agencies to enhance and enrich our curriculum and to best prepare our pupils for life in the local community and wider world. We work closely with West Yorkshire Police to provide Year 6 with the tools they need to say no to peer pressure, to be aware of criminal exploitation and serious and organised crime and to know all about the dangers of knife crimes / weapons. We use PolEd to help with the planning and preparation for some of our lessons in other year groups.

In Year 3 we work with the Bradford Road Safety Team on pedestrian training as we have been identified as one of the key schools at risk of harm on the roads in our local area. This is something we address throughout school, not just in Year 3.

In each year group we ensure we have a contextualised study so that children are made aware of any issues relevant to our school and locality. We make sure that preventative measures are implemented with issues such as anti-social behaviour, crime and gangs. As issues arise we adapt our curriculum accordingly to inform and educate our pupils. Year 6 have a topic called GANGs  delivered externally by James Reilly.